Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rolling Dough Tip!!!!

Our gourmet group got together Saturday night to try a new recipe from the food network.
I made the dough which had to be rolled into a rectangle. Always in the past my rectangle of dough looked more like a splat than a rectangle. Accidentally, I discovered the best way to roll the dough into a near perfect rectangle is to chill it first in the refrigerator.

I made my dough a little too early so I put it in the refrigerator to slow the rising. When I took it out after two hours in the 'fridge and rolled it a few times, I noticed how easily it was taking the shape of the rectangle. I will do this from now on!!!! Great Tip, I think. I can't wait to try it again.

Here's pictures to prove my story.
And here's what the dough looked like after it was stuffed with ham, mozzarella cheese, and fresh spinach.Wish I'd remembered to take a picture of it when it came out of the oven. It was delicious.
Good going Ginger.

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