Saturday, November 12, 2005

Gourmet Club Meeting
Tonight was our monthly meeting of the Try-Anything-Once gourmet club. We had home made Strombolie tonight. I was going to take a picture of our delicious creation but it didn't look so good. Tasted great though. Instead I just took some pictures of our club. We try to get together once every month and come up with some interesting menu and prepare ourselves for an evening of over-eating and stimulating conversation. We laugh a lot too. Here's some pictures!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I have officially started the English classes working on conservation essays or thankful papers. Everyone who earned an A the first nine weeks has to write an essay and it is optional for the rest of the class. Those not writing an essay must write a thankful paper. Both papers are multi paragraph and are graded on four of the six writing traits: sentence structure, ideas and content, writing conventions, and organization. I may make my own little contest out of this writing assignment and post the winner's papers (the best essay and the best thankful paper. That ought to make for interesting reading????

More later.