Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Luck, Divine Intervention, or Serendipity

I had a week of losing things. On Monday, I lost my iPad and looked frantically everywhere in my classroom. I even hurried home during my planning period to see if I had left it at home even though I was sure I had it in my hand when I walked in the building that morning. Finally, I used my "Find My Phone" app on my phone (Which I should have done in the first place.) and embarrassingly found my device under papers on the copy stand right on my desk! Is this a sign that it is time???? After a good laugh, some ribbing from colleagues, and a sigh of relief, I thought losing things for the week was in my past. Oh, how wrong I was. Two days later I misplaced my ID tag and key card to get into the building. Now, this was a bit more unsettling. I keep my ID and Keys on a lanyard to wear around my neck so I can keep track of it better, Ha! I looked everywhere in the building including going through trash cans and dumpsters. For two day I looked and alerted all about what I was missing. Just as I was getting ready to admit defeat and preparing myself to pay for the key card replacement, I decided to look one more time in the teacher's workroom/lounge located at the north end of the middle school. No luck! However, there was a sack full of fortune cookies left over from our teacher's luncheon we had a day earlier. I thought to myself, "What the heck, nothing else has worked so far. I might as well see what a fortune cookie has to say." When I opened the cookie and read my little fortune it read, "Traveling south will bring you unexpected happiness." Hmmm, I didn't think much of it and walked back to my room, at the south end of the building. Later, as I was walking around the room during sixth hour I walked right by the shelves in the back (south end) my room and saw a paper towel partially folded sitting in one of the cubbies. I hadn't noticed it before but reached for it to put it in the trash and yep, you guessed it, I found my keys hiding behind that partially folded paper towel. Well, I  can't help but wonder was it luck?  Was it divine intervention? Was it serendipity? -OR- Was someone playing a trick on me? No matter what I am now happy, happy, happy!
Got to keep track of these things nine more months!