Friday, December 01, 2006

Happy Snow Day

Finally, some snow. No, a lot of snow. Wow!
I kept busy today. I made chili, Rice Krispie treats, pigs-in-a-blanket, bread, and bubble cake Gave most of it away. The chili, pigs, and treats went to work with Jerry for their lunch. The bubble cake is going to the neighbors for helping me get out of the drive way this morning. Why was I trying to get out of the drive way you ask???
So I could go to the store to get all the stuff to bake! Snow just makes me want to bake.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Family Portrait
Our family's growing!!!
As you can see, I really like posting pictures.

Note: If we don't have school tomorrow, I'm making bread, no-bakes, and whatever else I have time for. Of course, that all depends on whether we have electricity or not. Please pray for NO ICE!
Jerry is dreading going to work tomorrow (or before if the ice gets as bad as predicted)
I'm just hoping for snow.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Haddon's First Birthday

Click on the title and see the movie I made of Haddon's first birthday. It's not the best, but I keep practicing.