Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!
We had our annual Marshall Christmas Eve Party! Below are pictures of all our guests.
A good time was had by all. In fact, there are still guests here as I write this. Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!
Al and Ginger Mein

Joe & Susan Nepote

Peggy Norris

Clayton & Meredith DeVera (New baby on the way)

Judy Collins & Gary Johnson

Jonathan & Debbie (Just engaged)

Joan Murray & Mom Mildred

Jerry and me
Isn't he affectionate???

Clarence & Barb Lohmeyer (Katy in the middle)

Amy & Joye Townsend

Uncle Carl & Mom Betty Marshall

Monday, December 19, 2005

Marshall Family Christms 2005!

We had our annual family Christmas Sunday, December 18. I was expecting about ten more people, but they were unable to make it because of the road conditions up north. We missed them, but still seemed like we had a full house. We had our traditional gift exchange game.
I got the gift I wanted, a 2006 Coca Cola calendar. I think everyone had a good time and it was fun seeing family that we don't get to see often, especially Justin and Tiffany and boys from California. The next party at our house is Christmas Eve. If anyone doesn't have a place to go they are welcome to our house anytime after 7:00 p.m. Merry Christmas! Here's some pictures.