Thursday, June 01, 2006

Summer vacation has started!!!

Wow, I've been out of school barely a week and I've gotten a lot done around the house. Two more rooms to go and I will have cleaned the entire house. Yipee!!!! Now if I can do the same in my classroom I will really feel I've accomplished something.
Won't get much done next week though because Marshall is coming for a week to visit Grandpa and Grandma. He's been talking about coming to our house for a month now. We'll see if he makes it a whole week. He's only stayed two or three days at a time before.
Oh yeah! Here's some more pictures of Katy and Michael and of course the dogs.
Two months and 3 days before we go to Hawaii!!!

Katy and Michael

Monday, May 29, 2006

Big News!!!

We're going to Maui!!! Mike and Katy will be married on the beach August 7. This is really going to be a fun trip. We'll leave the 4th, get to do some sight seeing and beach lounging plus attend our daughter's wedding on the 7th. What more could a parent ask for?
Oh yeah! I can't post without a picture.
Mike and Cloe