Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday night Knitting Club

Yes, it is official. I am now a member of a knitting club. One Tuesday a month I get together with six other hip, needle savvy ladies who enjoy knitting or crocheting. Some are beginners; some are experienced. Me??? I'm somewhere in between. We have a lot of fun sitting around knitting or crocheting and sharing our yarn crafting stories and showing off our latest creation. And... it's all right to brag! Nobody rolls their eyes when one of us shows off the sweater we just finished or the dishrag that is finally done. We really appreciate each other's unique talent. We also pick up some pretty useful tips, or get some help if we're stuck somewhere in a pattern of a project we're working on.

This month's get together was at my house  and there was quite a range of projects being worked on tonight.  The needles were really clicking. Two of us were working on socks, one was working on a baby sweater, and three were working on scarves. Most were knitting, but we did have one crocheter in the group. One thing  I like about this group besides the knitting is meeting new people. We're a pretty diverse group of females, but one Tuesday a month it doesn't really matter how different we are or what our political or religious views are, or what our philosophy is on child rearing. We don't gossip. We don't talk about work. We talk yarn, patterns, and what our next project is going to be. I love it!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sweater's done!!!!

Yipee!!! Finally got my sweater done, and I have started on my second pair of socks and a little dress for my one and only granddaughter, Isobella.

My Sweater

Future Dress for Izzy!