Saturday, November 26, 2005

Just got Home
We went to Liberty, Missouri this weekend so Granpa could see Haddon. Jerry was on call all last week so wasn't able to see his new grandson until Friday. We had a really good time. Friday, Katy came over to Jan and Devin's after she got off work and we all went out to eat. Had a really good visit and also did a little shopping.
This next weekend the DeMoure family will make their first trip to Girard since Haddon's arrived. Were going to have Marshall's 3rd birthday party on Friday evening and a welcome Haddon party on Saturday afternoon. Looks like another busy, but fun, weekend.

I think he's trying to talk!!!
DeMoure Family
Grandpa Jerry with grandsons

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I ate so much. Why? Why? Why? I always say I'm going to take it easy eating-wise, but I never do as I say. We had a lot of good food. We had the traditional turkey, dressing, ham, potatoes–sweet and mashed–, gravy, homemade rolls, green beans, pumpkin pie and numberous other fine, delicious dishes. I'm miserable, but boy was it good!!!

Here are some picts. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Finally!!! some pictures!
Here's Haddon's first pictures.
Marshall & Haddon
Haddon Thomas DeMoure
Grandma, Marshall, Haddon
Hospital Picture

Haddon is a very good baby. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot, and cries very little.