Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year from the Wild Bunch!!!!

This is Al at 8:30 P.M. New Years Eve!9:00 P.M. New Years Eve

Quite a wild party wouldn't you say???

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!
From Pa and Ma Marshall
At the Pentola's
Christmas Dinner was DELICIOUS!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Eight Days 'till Christmas!!!

I got a lot done today. I took pictures to prove it too. Not only did I make bread as you can see below, I also got all our Christmas gifts wrapped. I even made up little gift sacks for every student in my homeroom. This is the first year I've had few enough students in a homeroom to be able to do it. I put in a couple of candy canes, a pencil, an eraser, bubble gum, and a note pad. I think I spent a total of maybe $20. What-d-ya think of my crafty sacks???

A lot of work, but fun!!! Chirstmas Spirit!!!!
This is my best lookin' loaf yet.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Here's some pictures of the neighborhood's Christmas decorations!

Mike and Katy, this blog is especially for you guys. Check out these rockers and tell me which you like best, if any?
This one comes in different colors of wood finish.This one doesn't even look like a rocker, but it also swivels as well as glides. It comes in a lot of different colors also. This is sage.

And then there is this traditional one. I only found it in white so far.

Well what do you think? Like any of them?

Friday, December 01, 2006

Happy Snow Day

Finally, some snow. No, a lot of snow. Wow!
I kept busy today. I made chili, Rice Krispie treats, pigs-in-a-blanket, bread, and bubble cake Gave most of it away. The chili, pigs, and treats went to work with Jerry for their lunch. The bubble cake is going to the neighbors for helping me get out of the drive way this morning. Why was I trying to get out of the drive way you ask???
So I could go to the store to get all the stuff to bake! Snow just makes me want to bake.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Family Portrait
Our family's growing!!!
As you can see, I really like posting pictures.

Note: If we don't have school tomorrow, I'm making bread, no-bakes, and whatever else I have time for. Of course, that all depends on whether we have electricity or not. Please pray for NO ICE!
Jerry is dreading going to work tomorrow (or before if the ice gets as bad as predicted)
I'm just hoping for snow.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Haddon's First Birthday

Click on the title and see the movie I made of Haddon's first birthday. It's not the best, but I keep practicing.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

My new cooking adventure.

Now that I have my home made bread pretty well perfected, I am trying my hand at home made noodles. I am right now in the process. I used an old family (very simple) recipe Jerry's mother used to use all the time to make chicken and noodles for Thanksgiving. As I write this I am letting them dry so I can cut the dough into noodles. Here's what they look like so far.

I will take another picture after I have them cut. I sure hope they taste good. If they do I'll post the recipe. In fact, I may just make them for our next Saturday night get-together!!!

I rolled up the dry noodle dough like a jelly roll.
Then cut them into thin noodles. Can't wait to cook them and see how they taste. Here's the recipe any way.
1 egg 1 tsp oil
2 Tblsp Milk 1/2 - 1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt

Beat egg. Add milk, oil and salt. Mix. Add flour; keep adding flour until stiff. Then pat out into floured surface. (I used parchment paper) Sprinkle with more flour and work in by folding over and over. Roll out as thin as possible and let dry an hour. Turn over, spread lightly with flour and dry another hour. Roll up and slice thick or thin.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Haddon's First Birthday Party
November 13, 2007

Here Dad, have a bite

I think he liked his cake.

He had a hard day!!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Here's some pictures of the reception in Kansas City.
We went to KC Saturday for a reception Mike's folks hosted for Kansas City friends and family. The food was great. Relatives of Bonnie's own a Mexican restaurant in Hutchinson and they caterd the affair. It was really good authentic Mexican food. We're going to have to go to Hutchinson to eat sometime!!!!

As you can see in some of these pictures, the kids had as much fun filling the pinatas as they did trying to break them.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

If you want to see the slide show I made of Mike and Katy's wedding, click on the link below.

It's a lot better than the one I posted here earlier.
Hey Teachers, check this site out!


Wednesday, September 06, 2006