Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Fitness Progress from July 2013.

July 2013

November 2103 (15 pounds lighter)

            July 2013
November 2013

Watching what goes into my mouth, a thirty day bout with Jillian Michaels, and participating in "Dancing with the Hometown Stars" really paid off. Now the challenging part begins; making it through the holiday eating season without falling off the wagon. (Yep, it's a lot like being a recovering alcoholic —taking it one day at a time—:)
I feel GREAT!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yes I love to Knit. Two thoughts.

1. Honestly, some pattern ideas I get in my email are just too much. I don't want to look like I'm wearing a Christmas tree skirt around my shoulders.
Notice the sixth picture in the second column.

2. Here's a handy video on how to do an icord  bind off .

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Time is Now

Okay, I'm going to try this. I've put it off long enough. I'm committing to try this for 30 days and see what happens. Never too old, right?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Does writing your own quotes qualify you as a legitimate writer?

Since I can't seem to set down and write a complete paragraph on a regular basis, I thought I'd start my writing habit by coming up with quotes that I either make up (I think I'm the author anyway) or quotes from others that I really like.
Here's my first.

I wish knitting would keep my fingers busy enough to avoid the cookie jar.

Take your job seriously; not yourself.

I know a little bit about a whole lot and a whole lot about very little.

Fishing for compliments will always get you a few, but don't count on a whole string.

Running from your troubles is a never-ending marathon.

One should set goals, but it is just as important to enjoy the journey.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

My first attempt at knitting a Moebius

I made my fist moebius using the following link:  CAT BORDHI - Intro to Moebius Knitting 
I was too impatient to make it any bigger, so it looks more like jewelry than a scarf. However, I really like it.