Friday, October 22, 2021

Challenging Times

Being on two boards and feeling discouraged and anxious at times about the turmoil we have been going through these last two years with this pandemic and sitting through some contentious board meetings with some heated disagreements about how to best mitigate the spreading of the Covid virus, I sometimes want to just "chuck" it all and quit. Then I think, who better than me to be in this position. I've lived long enough to develop some pretty tough skin, I appreciate opposing points of view, and I know this isn't the first time in our country's history we've been through tough, divisive times, so I will continue to humbly serve and support what I think is the most appropriate actions to take to provide our students with the best learning environment possible as well as keep our entire staff and student body healthy.

Now, with the upcoming election and someone running against me as a write-in candidate, there is the possibility I won't be serving much longer. If that is the case, I wish my opponent the best and hope she understands being on the school board is much more than just making mitigating decisions during a pandemic.

All for now---

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Priorities and Bucket List.

 I noticed I haven’t posted since about this time last year. Wow, and what a year it has been. I’ve lost some friends, some related to Covid and some due to other health issues. Either way, it seems a disproportionate amount of people I know have passed this past year. I would say it could be because I’m older and this kind of thing is somewhat expected. However, most of the people who have passed weren’t that old. Either way, it has made me re-evaluate my priorities. 

Fortunately, after the first few weeks of the lockdown last year, I haven’t experienced much depression or anxiety. I have become more thoughtful though. I tend to analyze others’ actions more trying to understand why they do and say the things they do. This whole Covid experience has definitely brought out the worst and the best in people. I find that quite interesting.

 My top priorities now have become my family and friends. Now, if we have a chance to get together, I make the effort to be present. No more excuses of being too busy. 

Also, there have been a few things I have wanted in the last few years that I postponed getting thinking I’d wait until later. This may sound shallow to some but if you know me that is not the case. I’ve always been frugal and very careful with money. However, I decided I’m not getting any younger and if I want something, within reason, I’m going to get it. For instance, for years it’s been on my bucket list to buy ONE brand new car (and pay cash) before I die. Well, with some careful planning and fortuitous stock market investing I was able to do that this year. What made it really fun, no money came out of our personal budget. It was like winning a vehicle without paying an exorbitant luxury tax. Another thing on my bucket list was to give more to the charities important to me, whether that be a specific person, family, or organization. Again, with careful budgeting and somewhat following Dave Ramsey’s financial philosophy, my husband and I have been able to do that.