Friday, October 28, 2022

Indoctrination, Really!!!



IMO, it’s not the fear of the school indoctrinating their child, it’s the fear of their child learning new facts and gaining knowledge that may make them question their parent’s indoctrination. 

Another thought-

As for this present election, It’s one indoctrination against another. Which one you agree with is how you will vote. Can we just quit using the term indoctrination already?

Both side are guilty of spreading misinformation. However, I think one side is doing a much better job of it- (again, in my opinion).

Note: as a retired teacher,(and I believe most teachers practice this) it was always my practice and conviction that a student should never be able to know what my political leanings were. I always tried to give facts and allowed students to give their opinions as long as they could back it up with sound reasoning. I also emphasized that just because people don't agree, doesn't mean either of is wrong. However, I always stressed the importance of being respectful.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Just an Observation

Some have outgoing personalities, are open, friendly, and are admired by many.
Some are grumpy, whiney, and just don't like people.
Some are quiet, introverted, and enjoy their own company more than being in a crowd.
But....some of the most interesting are those quiet ones who speak the loudest through  their dress, their tattoos, their body piercings,  and/or the their vibrant hair color. 

You have to admit, this world is quite an interesting place filled with interesting humans.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Election Is Over

 Whew, the election is over, the incumbents, me included, won by a significant margin, and one of the two names on the ballot won the empty seat. In other words, none of the write-in candidates succeeded in an election upset. The margin was wide enough that I can safely say, the majority of the voters support what we are doing and that is what we feel is best for all kids in our district. 

Note: I know this is post is way overdue, but better late than never.