Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year!

We played Racko and ate way too much! Oh, and of course I had to take pictures!!!!

Jan and Devin and boys came down the day after Christmas and Grandpa Jerry, Granpa Gaylord, and Marshall's Daddy made this puppet theater for Marshall.
He's a puppet nut and now can put on his own pupper shows. This picture doesn't show the completely finished project but you get the idea. It was a big hit.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Day!!!
Sorry Al and Ginger, I finally got your picture on yesterday's post. I almost forgot since I made you take a second picture. However, it was worth it. I think the last one turned out really well don't you?

We had a quiet Christmas today. Katy was here and my mom called and woke everyone at 7:30 A.M. That was after being up till 1:00 A.M. Oh well, I guess at 87 she has a right to be excited to still be here this Christmas, especially since she wasn't supposed to survive through the holidays last year. Anyway, I went and got Mom and we opened gifts and had breakfast. We went to church. Katy left mid afternoon and Jerry and I spent the rest of the day napping, watching TV, and eating left overs. Pretty good Christmas.

I didn't take any pictures today. I'm giving my camera a rest.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!
We had our annual Marshall Christmas Eve Party! Below are pictures of all our guests.
A good time was had by all. In fact, there are still guests here as I write this. Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!
Al and Ginger Mein

Joe & Susan Nepote

Peggy Norris

Clayton & Meredith DeVera (New baby on the way)

Judy Collins & Gary Johnson

Jonathan & Debbie (Just engaged)

Joan Murray & Mom Mildred

Jerry and me
Isn't he affectionate???

Clarence & Barb Lohmeyer (Katy in the middle)

Amy & Joye Townsend

Uncle Carl & Mom Betty Marshall

Monday, December 19, 2005

Marshall Family Christms 2005!

We had our annual family Christmas Sunday, December 18. I was expecting about ten more people, but they were unable to make it because of the road conditions up north. We missed them, but still seemed like we had a full house. We had our traditional gift exchange game.
I got the gift I wanted, a 2006 Coca Cola calendar. I think everyone had a good time and it was fun seeing family that we don't get to see often, especially Justin and Tiffany and boys from California. The next party at our house is Christmas Eve. If anyone doesn't have a place to go they are welcome to our house anytime after 7:00 p.m. Merry Christmas! Here's some pictures.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas Riddle

I have two daughters, two grandsons, two mothers and two others to buy gifts for. However, I have only been in one store and purchased one gift, yet I am virtually DONE with my Christmas shopping. How is that possible??????

Isn't it great? So far everything received has been as expected. Even though I'm still waiting on some gifts to arrive, the majority are wrapped and under the tree. I may even have time to send a few Christmas cards.

Merry Christmas.....I think I'm getting in the Holiday Spirit!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

French Bread Recipe

Combine the following ingredients:
1/4 cup sugar
1/8 cup oil
2 tsp. salt
Pour 2 cups boiling water over and let cool.
Dissolve 2 pkgs or 2 Tbsps yeast and 1/2 tsp of sugar in 1/2 cup lukewarm water. [Adding just a pinch of sugar when you dissolve your yeast is my little secret I use in all my yeast recipes. You probably won't see that in any bread recipes out of a book.]
Combine all ingredients with 6 Cups flour while lukewarm so as not to kill the yeast. [Another little secret tip----don't add all 6 cups of flour at once. Start with about 4 cups, stir well and when the dough starts to get too stiff to stir, flour your hands and knead in the rest of the flour. In fact, I don't always use the whole 6 cups of flour. It just depends on how the dough feels. If it is fairly easy to handle and you have only use 5 1/2 cups flour, don't worry about adding the rest.]
Set aside and punch down every 15 minutes for 1 hour. If it's a little too sticky when you punch down, just flour your hands and the dough won't stick to them.
Roll and shape into 2 loaves, slash tops and place in well greased and floured French bread pan or just place on a baking stone (no pan needed). Let raise about 45 minutes and brush with a mixture of 1 egg and 1/8 cup oil beaten together.
Bake about 20 - 30 minutes at 375 degrees. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Grandpa DeMoure, Marshall, Grandpa Marshall, Haddon

Great Grandma Mahar, Great Grandma Marshall, Grandma DeMoure, Haddon, Granny Meck, Grandma Marshall & Marshall

And a fun time was had by all!!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

One More Week!

I only have my student teacher one more week. Oh am I going to miss her. Kaci has really been a good one and she will definately get a very positive recommendation from me. I have had many student teachers (most of them very good) during my 27 years of teaching and Kaci is one of the best. Anyway, here are some pictures of Kaci at work and what my classroom complex looks like.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Just got Home
We went to Liberty, Missouri this weekend so Granpa could see Haddon. Jerry was on call all last week so wasn't able to see his new grandson until Friday. We had a really good time. Friday, Katy came over to Jan and Devin's after she got off work and we all went out to eat. Had a really good visit and also did a little shopping.
This next weekend the DeMoure family will make their first trip to Girard since Haddon's arrived. Were going to have Marshall's 3rd birthday party on Friday evening and a welcome Haddon party on Saturday afternoon. Looks like another busy, but fun, weekend.

I think he's trying to talk!!!
DeMoure Family
Grandpa Jerry with grandsons

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I ate so much. Why? Why? Why? I always say I'm going to take it easy eating-wise, but I never do as I say. We had a lot of good food. We had the traditional turkey, dressing, ham, potatoes–sweet and mashed–, gravy, homemade rolls, green beans, pumpkin pie and numberous other fine, delicious dishes. I'm miserable, but boy was it good!!!

Here are some picts. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Finally!!! some pictures!
Here's Haddon's first pictures.
Marshall & Haddon
Haddon Thomas DeMoure
Grandma, Marshall, Haddon
Hospital Picture

Haddon is a very good baby. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot, and cries very little.