Sunday, July 09, 2006

Fun Weekend!!
Had a really fun weekend with Jan and Katy both being home. It's been awhile since both girls have been home at the same time. Katy had a bachelorette party at my sister's place at the lake Saturday. I wanted to post some of the pictures but I forgot my camera and Katy forgot the cable to her new camera so couldn't get any on my computer to post. However, as much fun as the girls had at the lake, I think Jan and Katy had way more fun Friday night playing with Photo Booth.
Look at the pictures and see what you think. They were up half the night laughing and a cacklin' over all the different effects. The kids and Granny even got in on it.

Like I said, what a weekend. Jan and the kids have gone home. Katy and I are going shopping tomorrow. We need to get "Dad" clothes for the wedding. He's agreed, within reason, to wear whatever Katy wishes. So hopefully we can find some linen pants, shoes, and we'll get the Hawiian shirt when we get there. Sounds like fun huh???

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