Monday, September 04, 2006

The Reception was a SUCCESS!!!
Thanks to good friends!!

We had Mike and Katy's reception Sunday and over 100 people came and enjoyed excellent food (most of it prepared by our gourmet club), great pictures and video of the wedding in Maui, and lots of visiting. I think everyone had a good time. Because of family and friends, the party was a great success! I wish I had taken some pictures of the buffet table- pretty impressive. I had many, many compliments on the food including the cakes, chocolate sheet cake and white wedding cake. Many people I know had both. There sure wasn't much left. At least there is enough left over I won't have to cook for a couple of days. Like I cook anyway!

I have some big time paybacks. Because of good friends and family like Dick and Chris, Susie and Craig, Alan and Ginger, Adam, Brad, Sis, and Kay I didn't have to do any food preparation. I didn't have to do anything during the reception either. It was great to be free to mingle and visit with all the people without having to worry about the food and drinks. Thanks guys. Gorumet club, the next meal is on Jerry and me.

Here are some pictures. I didn't even think about taking any until the kids cut the cake. I really regret not getting a picture of the food table. All the work that went into it and then I didn't even get a picture, nor did I get a picture of all the helpers. Sorry! You know how I like to post pictures of you guys in action. Anyway, you get some idea of what the evening was like.

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