Thursday, June 05, 2008

This Wind is Driving Me Nuts!!!!

I'm so tired of wind. The last two days we've been picking up large twigs and small limbs out of the yard. My back hurts. It is supposed to storm again tonight. We already had a humdinger of a storm Tuesday night. Jerry had to work most of the night because of downed lines and power outages. It's supposed to be bad again tonight, so I'm preparing my "fraidy hole", my walk-in closet,  just in case. Some things never change no matter how old you are. 

If it ever quits raining and blowing, I have plans to ride my new bike to Pittsburg. I bought a helmet the other day and the guy at the bicycle shop helped me map out my route so I don't have to ride on any highways. Now, I just have to have the right conditions. That means no 50 mile per hour wind. I didn't even attempt to ride today. Golly, I almost got blown away in the car this afternoon.

It's much calmer this evening, so far! 

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