Saturday, August 23, 2008

A New Experience

I survived my first night of a brand new teaching experience for me: teaching technical writing to  Harley Davidson tech students at the Harley Davidson tech center in Frontenac. I think I'm going to like it. I know technical writing isn't the most exciting subject for these students. It's a requirement and they just want to pass the class, so I promised I'd make the class as painless as possible and still teach them something useful. Now the challenge is keeping my promise, especially the part about teaching them something useful. Seventeen students showed up out of  23 that were on my roster; pretty good class size. Two of the students are female and two are older than I am (I think they are anyway). One young man is not a Harley student. He's in the military and doesn't get deployed until January, so he is taking the class to get some college credits before he possibly goes to Afghanistan in January. He's not sure exactly where he will be sent yet. The rest are, of course, 18-21 year old boys, (enough said!!) It ought to be interesting. One thing for sure though, it's not going to be be boring. 


Amy said...

Sounds fun. You're still teaching in Girard too, aren't you?

Peggy Marshall said...
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Christi said...

Hi Peggy, Amy sent me your blog...nice to see your family and all your grandbabies, they are beautiful! Have a good day!
Christi (Stark)