Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Lamenting and Appreciating

You ever notice how marketers encourage us to be the envy of our neighborhood and urge us to keep up with the "Jones" at all costs when spiritual and financial leaders encourage us not to. What a dichotomy in our society. No wonder we feel pulled. What I have learned in my 62 years on this earth is that I've gone through the whole spectrum of this conundrum and am now on the other end. The end where I'm very comfortable not keeping up with the "Joneses" and I buy nothing on credit. If I can't pay cash, I can't afford and half of what I thought I had to have 30 years ago no longer interests me. Here's what I find most meaningful and satisfying to me now:

1.  good health

2. family vacations

3. happy, healthy grandkids

4. high quality (and a bit expensive) yarn

5. a patient husband

6. absolutely no debt

7. good friends

8. shoes

9. comfortable clothing

10. peach Schnapps in my fresh brewed iced tea on a hot summer day

note: I reserve the right to add to this list as needed.

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