Monday, November 05, 2007

Lake Geneva, Wisconcin

Well, we made it to the wedding in Lake Geneva with Mom. She did really well. It took 10 hours each way, but we stopped over night in Des Moines both ways so Mom could rest. As of now, she seems no worse for the wear.

The wedding and reception was beautiful. Everything went off without a hitch.
Here are some pictures I took.
Nick, Mom & Judie

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Schmidt
Marilyn, Krissy, & Nick
Granny, Krissy & Dan

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun Weekend

Marshall, Haddon, Blake and Isobella
with Grandma and Grandpa

And to think I was considering the possibility of downsizing to a smaller home for just the grandpa and me. Well, not after this weekend. I think we better add on! All the grandkids were here and every room was in use. Had a great time, but I had to take a nap plus go to bed early Saturday night. Must be getting old. We tried to get Cletus in the picture, but some little annoying beagle stopped by and wouldn't leave him alone. They had a "mark your territory contest". So there was no way to get him to sit still long enough for a picture.

Hey Mick! or any other family that happens to see this, let me know if you see this! I got your email and your address is in my book now, Mickey. Say "Hey"! once in awhile and I'll try to do the same.

More later.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cletus Went Home!!!

We took Cletus back to Mike and Katy Saturday. It was very interesting. Cletus gave Michael the cold shoulder, the snub, the "I'm really upset with you look"; Honest. When we got to Mike's parent's house and let Cletus out, he woldn't go right to his master. He stuck by me mostly. I'm sure he'll come around in a few days. I'm sure he'll get to visit again, just maybe not so long.

Anyway, we not only took the dog back, we also met all the kids and went to eat. Had a good time and took lots of pictures. Here's just a few.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Cletus Update

Grand dog, Cletus, has now been with us since the third of July. He has started sleeping in the guest room since Jerry strongly encouraged him to "GET OFF THE BED!!" in our room. He seems quite content there and only comes into our bedroom after Jerry gets up in the morning. However, I believe his visit will be coming to an end soon. He gets to go to his new home in Nebraska next weekend.

Here's some pictures of Cletus with a turtle that wandered into our yard the other day. It really riled him up. Took him two days to calm down. He kept wanting to go outside and look for it.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Even though it's been a busy month with hardly any down time, It's been a lot of fun having all the kids and grandkids together. Starting with the first of July, Jan and the boys were here until the middle of the month. Katy and Izzy were here for the fourth and Mike, Katy and Izzy came for a quick visit just this last weekend. Oh,Well July is almost over and it is finally quiet at our house. We've had company most of the month. With lots of family here we took lots of pictures and as you can see I've posted some. and of course, I can't forget Cletus. We've had him since the first part of July. Good news though, Katy and Mike have found a house to rent outside of town close to Michael's work at Cabela's in Omaha, so we will be taking Cletus home soon????

I hope you guys in California are able to get to my blog, since, when I sent pictures, I sure didn't write much. Please email me and I will reply and know that you got everything OK. Also, you can always check out my blog for updates on big happenings back here in Kansas.

We sure had a fun July, and even though it was pretty hectic at times, Grandpa and I enjoyed just about every minute of it. Grandkids are never boring!!!

And, as you know by now, I can't post without picutes, so here are some of the latest.

Grandpa and Cletus

DeMoure Family (7/14/07)
Avila Family (7/27/07)

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Fourth of July!!!

We've had quite a holiday. All the kids and grandkids are home. It's sometimes crazy around here, sometimes a lot of fun, and never boring. We had a cookout last night. I think about 20+ people were here. Of course they all made over the babies so I have to post just a few of the many pictures we took.
Four Generation picts

Friday, June 22, 2007

New Izzy Picts

Katy just sent me some new pictures of Isobella and I thought I'd share.

Monday, June 18, 2007

All the Grandkids!!!

Here's some up-to-date pictures of all the grankids! Jan, Devin and the boys stopped in Kearney on their way to Devin's Parents. What a crew!!!!

Marshall, Izzy, Haddon, and Blake

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Isobella Marie Avila

Here's the first pictures. Of course we have lots, but I tried to pick some of the best to share with family and friends. She looks like her daddy but has her mommy's hands and feet.
Everyone is doing fine.
Isobella Marie Avila
June 12, 2007
7# 5 oz - 20 inches tallFirst Bath

Sticking out her tongue already

Sunday, May 27, 2007

OH NO!!! More pictures!

Here's more pictures of grandkids, of course. I took Granny up last weekend to see her 14th great grandchild. Jerry and I went up this weekend so Grandpa could see Blake for the first time. All are doing well. He's a cutie, don't you think? Mom and Pop DeMoure, however, have their hands full with three boys in the house. Haddon, Granny, and Blake
May 19, 2007
Big Brother Haddon and Blake
May 26, 2007
Blake Michael DeMoure
awaiting his next meal.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blake Michael DeMoure

Finally a new post.
Here's the newest grandbaby. I'm a proud grandma, again.
Watch out. I will be posting new pictures as I get them.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday Night with the Grandkids!

We're having quite a weekend. Haddon and Marshall are having a slumber party at Grandma and Grandpa's while Mom and Dad go for a rare night out without kids. Just got Haddon to bed and have finally talked Marshall into lying quietly on the floor and watch his favorite movie, Sleeping Beauty. I know it's only a little after 8:00 as I write this, but I feel like it's closer to 11:00. Boy do they like to play. Marshall and I made homemade bread while Haddon and Grandpa played...whatever Haddon wanted too. He's quite a Grandpa's boy. He won't let me hold him if Grandpa's around.

Here's some pictures. I don't have any pictures of my bread this time. Marshall helped and even though it tastes really delicious, it barely resembles a loaf of bread. He really had a great time kneading and rolling and getting dough all over his hands. Again, I should have taken a picture of that too, but my hands were just as doughy and sticky as Marshall's. Oh yeah, he made his own little loaf. It's in the oven now. I think it better be petrified and saved as a keepsake. Don't think it's safe to eat. He played with it so long it's not even the same color as the other loaves. I think he rolled it on every counter surface in the kitchen. Maybe he's going to be a chef!!!

What a HAM!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Oatmeal Brownies

Went to a super bowl party Sunday and had some really good oatmeal brownies. Anyway, I don't have pictures but I thought I'd share the recipe.

Mix 2 Cups brown sugar 1 cup melted butter, 2 1/2 cups flour, 3 cups oats, 2 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla and 1 tsp soda. Spread most of that in a 9X13 pan. Save some.

Next melt 12 oz. chocolate chips and mix in 1 can sweetened condensed milk and 2 TBSP
Butter. Pour over the oatmeal mixture. Then dollop the leftover oatmeal mixture on top of that. Bake at 350 degrees for at least 15 minutes. I don't have any tips yet because I haven't made them myself, I've only eaten them. They are delicious and very fattening. YUM!!!

If I ever make them, I'll take a picture and post. If anyone reading this makes them, please let me know how you like them.

Sorry, I had to update. I forgot to include the oats in my original post.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Januray 25, 2007

OK, so I haven't updated for awhile. Nothing to talk about. Had a week off from school because of snow. Should have taken some pictures but I didn't. Should have cleaned house but I didn't. It's been pretty boring around here. However, we did have a recent Saturday night get-together and made home-made pizza. Should have taken a picture. It was really good.

Now we're back in school. Believe it or not, I'm glad. I was going a little crazy, not being able to get out and do much. I'm ready for spring now.

Here's a picture. Not of anything special (6th graders just before Christmas), but I hate to post without at least one picture.