Thursday, January 08, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!!

This will be a very memorable birthday for me. I'm sitting here in a hospital room while Jerry sleeps -thank goodness he can. He had his surgery today and everything went well except for the long wait to get to surgery. We arrived at 11:30 A.M., he was taken to pre op at 12:30 P.M., but didn't get to the operating room until 4:30. He was in recovery a little after 7:00 and got to his room at 9:15. What a day. He hasn't eaten solid food since Wednesday morning. However, I'm not complaining, and he isn't either YET, because the surgery was completely successful. Of course, we won't know for sure about the cancer until Monday when the path report comes back, but the doctor was very confident that it was all contained within the prostate, and since that's been removed ---wa la ---he's cancer free. Yipee!!! Now the long recovery and keeping him from overdoing. The first two weeks shouldn't be a problem, but after that I may have to get mean.

One other thought before I sign off. I sure am blessed with great family and great friends. Thanks!

P.S. He was sleeping. He's now asking for ice. That's a good thing.

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