Monday, November 30, 2009

Long Time no Update

It's been awhile since I've updated this blog. Quite a bit has happened since I posted last. For one, I've been busy knitting Christmas Stockings for the grandkids. What fun. They turned out better than I hoped. In fact, I like them so well I may make some to try and sell. Take a look.

Here's two of the five I made. They were a lot of fun to make but rather hard on my hands. I really built some strength every time I had to knit two honkin' big stitches together, or pick up those stitches along the heel flap to make the gusset. I used some big, bulky yarn. Now I'm working on just regular sized stockings again.

One of the reasons I was able to get five stockings knit in such a short time is because I sat at the hospital every afternoon or evening with Mother for six days. Yep, Mom's been in the hospital again, but she is home now with oxygen full time. Doctor says she's done everything she can do for her, and now we see what happens next. I'd say at 91 the doctor has definitely done all she can for Mother, and done a darn good job of it. Maybe too good. Sometimes I wonder where her iron will to keep living comes from. She has to have pretty much 24 hour care and she can't knit anymore. However, she still enjoys her talking books and visiting on the phone. Oh yes, she is enjoying her food too. What she can eat anyway. That's another issue. Here gums are so sore it makes it very hard to keep here dentures in to eat. Oh well, we just take one day at a time.

Believe it or not, I even have part of my Christmas shopping done. I wrapped presents today.

My baking has been neglected, but that's okay. I needed a break from that because I always eat too much of what I make. With winter setting in I best take it easy in the eating department.

We had a relaxing Thanksgiving this year. This is the first time in several years that Jerry and I haven't hosted Thanksgiving dinner. Nope, we went to KC, stayed in hotel, and took Jan, Devin, and the boys out to eat. They came to the hotel and swam in the indoor pool and then we played board games in the lobby. It was quite relaxing and stress free. Believe me, after Jerry's stress at work, a relaxing few days out of town was much needed.

We ended the weekend with a second Thanksgiving dinner at Jerry's sister's. It was great and we had a lot of fun playing Sequence in the afternoon. I'm going to have to get that game.
Today it was back to the real world of work. Three weeks and I'll be off again for about two weeks. Yippee!! I love Christmas break.

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