Thursday, February 11, 2010


I found this picture as I was trying to organize my iPhoto library and thought I'd post. Not only is it a good picture of the the sweater I made Izzy, I really love the way cousins Isobella and Blake get along. They're only a month apart in age and they really have a good time when they get together.

I also wanted to put in a plug for my seventh grade girls tech class e-cookbook. It can be found here Here's What's Cookin..... Check it out. We will be adding some helpful cooking tips and interesting food trivia as well as some more recipes, so check it out from time to time.

1 comment:

Marilynn Limpus said...

Love the picture! Darling kids and cute little dress. (I might be a little partial - I admit). And love your picture with sweater I'm sure you made. I should be doing a webinar but decided to check out your blog instead!! Keep on blogging!