Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I'm tired

Any criticism by one side just ramps up the resolve of the other that "they" are absolutely right!

Yes, this political bar fighting is really getting me down. more so than being quarantined at home. Yes, I want to see stores able to open, yes, I want to see more testing, yes, I want to see a vaccination or a medicine that can prevent or cure this disease. What I don't want to see is all the vicious bickering and name-calling and ridiculous memes degrading groups of people as either morons or snowflakes.

Can we please just stop. I don't mind thoughtful and spirited discussion. I don't mind listening to other's points of view. But please don't get angry if my opinion doesn't align with yours. I actually like to have a good, spirited discussion and listen to other's opinions, but when it starts to become hateful and xenophobic, I'm out.

I think everyone can agree that this is a safe, non-political video clip! 😊
My Happy Place

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