Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Things I've Learned Over the Past Six Decades on This Earth (A Reflection)

As another birthday has so quickly come and gone I started thinking about what all I've learned over the past six decades. During some decades not so much and others just about everything. Anyway, not being one who likes to be overly loquacious, here's another of my not-so-famous lists:

1. The 50's- not a lot since I was born mid-century (1955), but one thing does stick out in my mind during the latter part of the decade. Anytime someone would come up and remark on what a "pretty little girl" I was, my mother would always reply "Pretty is as pretty does".  That has stuck, for the most part, however, I do not get many (none) of those compliments anymore. Maybe someday I will hear what a "pretty little old lady". (Nope, probably not!)

2. The 60's- Hippies are weird. I didn't think of them as good or bad, just weird. (That is all)

3. The 70's- I knew EVERYTHING. In all fairness, just about every child entering their late teen years feels about the same way, right?

4. The 80's- I knew NOTHING. Yep, this was the decade I was a young mother with two small children and I realized, "I knew what I didn't know",  and that it was a lot.

5. The 90's- I learned to start paying attention to what was happening around me and I really started enjoying learning something new whenever possible. As a teacher that "learning something new" happened about every day. I also realized how lucky I was that I had found my dream job as a middle school teacher. (Yes, this says volumes about my personality and craziness I know).

6. The 00's- I started questioning some of my long-held beliefs and started listening more. I also started worrying less about whether I was liked by "everybody" or not and in turn feel I became more likable because of it. Not sure how to explain myself here, so I will just leave it at this for now.

7. Now- I've learned I have "Waaaay" more questions than answers about just about everything and am completely ok with that. I have also learned to cherish each day, and I don't take one minute for granted. And finally, I have learned that you don't let different beliefs, personalities, or lifestyles get in the way of making some true, loyal friends that you know you can depend on!!!

Happy New Year 2019!

Side note: My husband and I just celebrated another anniversary this month also!
Happy 45th Anniversary and this picture kinda explains why don't ya think?

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