Sunday, October 30, 2005

This is my very first entry in my blog. I'm not sure what to write so I guess I'll start with my latest adventure. I just got home from a national technology conference for school board members, administrators, and educators in Denver, Colorado. It was a good conference. However, I didn't particularly enjoy the 12 hours it took to get there nor the 12 hours to get home. Oh well, I survived.

I can't believe the technology we have available to us today. I listened to Neil Gershenfeld of MIT talk about how it is very likely possible that, in the not so distant future, people will have machines in the home that will be able to make "almost anything". I know that sounds really far out, but it wasn't but about 25 years ago that we thought the majority of people in our society owning a personal computer was way too far out to even consider....

I was also impressed with the second keynote speaker, Tiffany Shlain. She is the founder of the Webby Awards (the leading national honors for web sites) and the on-air internet expert for Good Morning America. She is very passionate about the postive impact the internet can have on society. She also showed us some pretty cool looking web sites. I have yet to visit them all, but hopefully I will in the next few days and let you know.

During the conference I also attended a couple of workshops and mini lessons on the use of iMovie and Dreamweaver software. I know just enough about those programs to know that I need to know a lot more. And the best way to know more is just to plow in and start using them. I guess I'll figure it out as I go. I hope I win the drawing for free tuition to the Digital Media Academy at Stanford University. That would be a week of intensive training on one of the media software programs I mentioned earlier.

I know I'm really rambling, but I needed to get down in black and white at least a little bit about this conference so if I'm asked to go before the school board and report I can refer to my blog for informaton. I didn't write about this anywhere else.

Ok, that's enough for my first posting.


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