Saturday, November 05, 2005

Hi all,

What a day. I worked at the church from 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. We were having a huge rummage sale. Half of the proceeds go to help finance our mission trip to the Dominican Republic in March. We raised close to $1,000 in the last two days. Even though half of it goes to the choir we still did pretty darn "good", considering our airline tickets are already paid for (there's nine of us from our church). We will use this money to buy supplies after we get there. During this trip, I will either be helping teach sewing and household skills, helping with construction projects, or assisting a medical team. This is my first mission trip so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm looking forward to it though.

This evening my husband and I went to Jim's Steakhouse in Pittsburg for dinner. My favorite steakhouse. I ate a two "fancy smancy" steak place in Denver while I was at the tech conference a couple of weeks ago and neither can hold a candle to Jim's.

Oh, before I sign off, I want to share a really helpful household tip. I've discovered how to get grease and baked-on gunk off of your pots and pans.  Fill you sink with hot water and dishsoap as usual, but to that add two or three tablespoons of dishwasher detergent. Let your pan soak for ten to fifteen minutes and WAH LA!! the gunk and grease comes right off. I almost always put a little dishwashing detergent in with my regular dishwater anyway because it cuts the grease so well and really makes dishes cleaner. Of course, if you use a dishwasher all the time.....Never Mind!

More later. I may even have to share some of my favorite quotes.

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