Saturday, November 17, 2018

More Deep Thoughts from This Old Woman

On Childhood

You're only a child once, so never grow up.

On Faith

Sometimes all that's left is faith; the most important possession.

On Life

If I would get a second chance at life, I would pretty much do the same thing just a little better.

If I'd become everyone I'd envied as a teenager, I'd be fat, divorced and childless #GladToBeMe

The only person you should ever be better than is the old you!

If you can enjoy your memories without wanting to live in the past, you have a good life.#OldAgeWisdom

On Parenting

Only those who have no children are perfect parents!

As a parent, one thing I have no regrets for is NEVER saying, "My child would never do that!"

On Food

Calories are a bit like money to me. Before eating something, I consider if the calories are worth the consumption just like I consider if spending money on an item is worth what it costs. I’d rather eat 180 calories worth of Hershey’s dark chocolate than 160 calories of peach yogurt.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Why I Like Living Below My Means

1. I can be a big tipper.

2. I don't have to worry about paying down credit card balances.

3. I don't have to make car payments.

4. I don't have to make house payments.

5. I can go on a spur-of-the-moment shopping spree if I want.

6. I don't have to beg a banker for money.

7. I don't have to worry about paying back those "Title Loans"  with hight interest rates! (scary stuff!!!)

8. I can donate to causes important to me.

9. I can buy what I want at the grocery store, and more often than not I prefer the generic brand over name brand on many items.

10. I don't feel the need to brag about what I have or what I don't have. (You know some people really do brag about their lack, or is that whining??)

11. I LOVE being debt free!!!

Living below my means is AWESOME!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My Turn to Rant

Oh how  I wish people would not impulsively post knee-jerk reaction memes or "news" articles after horrific events such as school shootings. Little research is done to see how valid or true the messages are that these memes and articles  claim. What good does it do??? The only thing it seems to accomplish is division, of which our country has enough. Instead, why can't we work together to find common ground and have an intelligent conversation with both sides listening and hearing what the other has to say. That would be a start.

In closing I would like to paraphrase a favorite quote of mine.  It would be better to just keep our memes to ourselves and keep our mouths shut. Sure we may appear ignorant, but wouldn't that be better than opening our mouths or posting our memes and removing all doubt.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Mom Betty

The following is a draft I wrote over a year ago and never published. Well, it's time. Mom Betty is not doing well at all now and I hope the transition to her next life is peaceful and painless. She is one very special lady and I'm honored to be her daughter-in-law.

A couple of years ago while visiting my 90-something mother-in-law, I was "patting myself on the back" for helping her address envelopes to send a few Christmas cards to some of her few remaining friends. (Most have died). I was feeling pretty smug about how patient and helpful I was being when it hit me, I'm not doing anything above and beyond; this is what we all should do for our elderly parents. Treat them with dignity, help with simple tasks that are no longer simple for them, and quit thinking we are being so darn extraordinary for doing it. Look what they have done for us all those years ago when we had trouble writing neatly when we weren't sure where the address went on the envelope, or  on  which line is the city, state and zip code supposed to go.

My mother-in-law is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever known. She has always been nothing but kind to me and appreciative of anything I have ever done for her. She is now in the last years of her life in a rest home where some days she isn't sure if she should be there or if she should be somewhere else. However, she still knows her children by name and she always knows me and most of her other close relatives who take the time to see her regularly. She knows who she is and she knows her memory is failing her more and more every day. Sometimes she gets very confused and upset because of it. I just wish there was something extraordinary I could do for her, like help her remember things and people like she so desperately tries to do. However, since I can't do that, the one thing I shall continue to do are the ordinary things we all should do, help them be as normal as possible. If that is showing them exactly how to address an envelope line by line so they can send a few Christmas cards in their own handwriting, then do it.

Thank you, Betty Marshall, for being the best mother-in-law anyone could be so lucky to have.

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

On Birthdays and Anniversaries

Well another birthday and anniversary has come and gone. I'm feeling lucky and blessed to be here healthy, content, and grateful for another year on earth and another year married. Believe me, as you get older that content and grateful part is very sincere and not just words used to fill space on paper or in conversation. As I turned another year older on the eighth of this month, I looked at a few pictures of way back when and reminisced about my younger days as a young mother and wife. Although I enjoyed the walk down memory lane, I also had a minor epiphany about the present:

"Don't dwell in the past or fret about the future, but enjoy the present; every single day of it!" 

And this is just what I intend to do. 



Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Happy New Year; Some Reflections

As I look back on the past year, I am very thankful for just about every single day. However, a few stick out more than others.

* Of course, my last day of teaching comes to mind first. I loved teaching and I think that is what actually made it easier to enjoy retirement to the fullest. I have never regretted retiring at 62. I'm young enough to pursue other interests and old enough to appreciate them to the fullest.

* This last summer was great. We were able to enjoy the grandkids several times during June, July, and August. And yes, we successfully entertained and (refereed at times) all seven of them here at the same time. Great memories being made!

*I ran for  public office for the first time ever....and won. After picking my jaw up off the floor, I am pretty excited to sit on our local school board. What makes this even more interesting is I'm sitting on the board of the school district from where I retired in May.

*I started doing some volunteering that I never (or thought I never) had time for when I worked. We have a local food pantry in our small town and I man the pantry two to three times a month for a couple hours a day. Some days I feel good about what we do and some days I feel more than some are taking advantage of our generosity. That is why it is so important for me to read the sign on the door to the pantry, "Judge not, lest you be judged." It's tough sometimes but like my neighbor says, "You will have to give to the greedy to reach the needy." I will continue to volunteer at the food pantry.

*Two things I've found I love most about retirement are not having to live by an alarm clock, and not having to decide what to wear to work everyday.  I don't sleep late by any means, but I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn either. I also don't need as big a closet. I'm continuing to purge and hope to soon have all my clothes (all seasons) in ONE closet.

This last year has been great!

Happy New Year!